10 November 2023

Central Bank creates "data room" with closed statistics

Access to this information will be granted to employees of research centers and universities, who will be obliged to sign non-disclosure agreements.

The Bank of Russia plans to create a closed "data room" with the regulator's expanded statistics, Vedomosti has found out: only scientific centers and universities will have access to it. The idea of the room is mentioned in a letter from Alexei Lukovnikov, director of the Central Bank's data management department (available at the publication's disposal), addressed to Russian scientific institutions and universities.

A representative of the Bank of Russia confirmed that the regulator is considering the possibility of creating a service with this name. The analogy with the room is not accidental - it will not be a separate site and not a service on the site, access to the data will be possible only physically, being in a specially equipped room of the Bank of Russia, and alienation of information will be impossible, explained the representative of the regulator. Any research results obtained with the use of closed data can be published only with the permission of the Central Bank, said the representative of the regulator.

According to him, the composition of available information and the timing of the room will depend on the interest of potential users. At the same time, the Central Bank noted that sanctions data will not be disclosed in it. In the letter Lukovnikov asks research institutes and universities what data from the reports of supervised companies they need for scientific work.

Denis Domashchenko, head of the laboratory "Research of the monetary system and analysis of financial markets" at the Plekhanov Russian Economic University, who confirmed receipt of the letter, assumed that the "data room" will disclose the reports of all financial market participants.

As Kommersant recalled, after the start of the "special military operation" and the subsequent imposition of sanctions on Russian banks, the Central Bank allowed credit organizations not to publish financial statements, but banks were obliged to provide data to the Central Bank for operational control over their activities. The regulator resumed publication of credit organizations' reports in June 2023. At the same time, sensitive information was excluded from the reports, and in some cases only certain indicators were allowed to be disclosed.



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On December 23, 2022, the Ministry of Justice included Roskomsvoboda in the register of unregistered public associations performing the functions of a foreign agent. We disagree with this decision and are appealing it in court.